Don’t Let a Cheating Car Company Cheat Your Emissions

Still trying to discover which car company is honest? It’s hard to tell for sure.

Everywhere on the internet, on the street, on TV, people are talking about emissions, tests and how they were (supposedly) cheated by a car manufacturer.

First of all, let’s go and understand what engine emissions are.

Engine emissions are the byproduct of fuel being burned. It comprises of burned fuel particles and sometimes even unburned fuel. Each engine produces it, being it big or small (even a Prius has emissions).

The amount of emissions are influenced by 5 main factors:

  1. Engine Condition – Depending on the miles you have on your vehicle and the way it is maintained, your engine can run clean or not so clean as far as emissions go. Engines which are not clean on the inside or have old ignition parts or a dirty fuel system for example, tend to have low performance and lower mpg but higher emissions due to the unused fuel which is evacuated or deposited as carbon throughout the combustion system.
  2. Engine Age and Size – The older an engine is, the more looking after it needs. If you’re one of the people who do everything by the book, then you’re not going to have any problems. However, If you don’t change or maintain the required components or don’t do the necessary repairs at the specific miles recommended by the manufacturer, then your engine will not function as it should and you will most likely end up with results as above in point 1. Size of the engine and fuel type (gas or diesel) dictates the magnitude of a possible problem. Due to the capacity, the engine uses more fuel to work and in case something is not right, then the results are the same as above but multiplied.
  3. Technology Used – The newer, the better!  Technology used in our cars today has evolved a lot during the last 15 years and still continues to do so. Differences are easy to spot. For example a carburetor might need to be tuned regularly in order to maintain the primary setup and will not guarantee adaptability to any temperature. Computer controlled fuel Injection (newer technology) on the other hand always adjusts the air-fuel ratio so that the optimal quantity of fuel is burned, this changes the amount of unburned fuel which leaves the exhaust.
  4. Fuel Quality – Fuel is a very important, if not, the most important factor of them all. Bad fuel which is weak or of low quality, might contain impurities that drastically reduce the engine performance and also are harder for an engine burn resulting in even more carbon deposits. This can result in higher emissions and lower mpg.
  5. Driving Style – Do you recall all the “Ecological driving tips”? These tips are not really bad if you come to think of it. The more predictive and constant you are with your engine and driving, the better mpg and less emissions you will leave behind. By simply driving non-aggressively, calculating your route and accelerating in a linear fashion you can gain more miles to the gallon and reduce the amount of unburned fuel your car evacuates. Do the opposite and besides a race-type ride you end up with more emissions and lower mpg.  

The number of problems caused by emissions is high, but we’ll enlist only the top 3:

  1. Heart attacks or Lung cancer A study backed by the U.S Federal Government links exposure to emissions in urban areas to increased risk of lung cancer and heart attacks. Because most of the people do not take proper care of their car engine, this ends up underperforming (as you read above) and produces more emissions. Those little particles of octane nightmare fuel are inhaled by you, me and everyone of us in our crowded cities. The particles enter the lungs and in time they stick to the lungs walls similar to nicotine (from smoking).From here to affecting the heart depends on luck.
  2. Damage to the ozone layer – Fuel emissions have to go somewhere once they are produced. The air transports it upwards because of their temperature. We end up with an accumulation of emissions in the stratosphere which because of the exposure to the sun, gets hotter and hotter and ends up burning the ozone layer in order to escape and go up more. The ozone layer is the layer that protects us by reducing the sun’s power.
  3. Acid RainAll the harmful gases released into the atmosphere end up in the clouds. When it rains, the water droplets that fall from the sky are combined with these air pollutants and become acidic, creating acid rain. Acid rain is known to cause great damage to humans, animals and crops

Thankfully all these can be avoided!

Want to do your part? What if we told you there is a real, legitimate way to reduce your emissions without the need to buy a new car from a cheating car company?

CleanBoost® Maxx™ helps reduce emissions and also adds protection and power to your ride! Leave the emission problems to others and enjoy your stress-free driving time. You get guaranteed reduced emissions, more power and also a protected engine!

Why guaranteed? Because CleanBoost® Maxx™ has been tested, verified in real world applications and is EPA approved. Get yours here and begin cleaning up your car or truck’s carbon footprint as you drive.

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Tech Guy

About the Author

Tech Guy

Automotive enthusiast, passionate about Jeeps, hot-rods, turbos, performance, efficiency, diesels, fuels, high performance oils, additives and anything with an engine.